Thursday, December 25, 2014

Please note-changing my email address

I am now using Please update your contact information for me. I will soon stop using my AOL account.

Audrey Jost

Monday, December 29, 2008

Blessings Abound

It's been a while since I have visited this site. I try not to remember to much about this summer and all the trauma. Tonight I decided to re-read many of the posts and was reminded of all the many friends and blessings we have. Many people have asked for another post - so here is a brief update on the girls.
Lydia is completely healed (amazing) as X-rays showed today.  Dr. Talbert said she could have the rod removed in 18 months, so that is the plan for now.  She has been cleared to run and exercise and she started today (with her brother). She is teaching third grade in Memphis TN at Lester Elementary.  She has a tough group but is enjoying the challenge.
Ginny is still enjoying Auburn and is really enjoying the break.  She is very involved in St. Michael's church, babysits for three rambunctious little boys, and has remained involved with her sorority.  Her heal and wrist still bother her a little but she is getting around just fine.
We will continue to keep you all in our prayers and hope for a quiet year in 2009.
Happy New Year!
John and Audrey 

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Home Stretch!

Lydia, John and I moved Ginny to Auburn on Saturday!  She left her crutch at home and was ready to start classes on Monday. One healed (almost) and one to go.
Lydia is doing remarkably well!  She got a new pair of Nike's ( and wears them) and is continuing with therapy three days a week. She is still on her crutches but is getting around so much better. She does most things without any help. She is determined to speed up this healing  process.  We are so blessed!
Since I have started back to school, this will be the last update.  There are no words to express all the emotions we have have felt knowing we have such special people in our lives. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the prayers, calls, cards, dinners, and visits!  
With much love- 
The Jost Family

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We're back home!

Lydia's surgery went very well today!! She didn't have to stay overnight and we were home by 2:00 this afternoon.  Everything went better than planned.  Dr. Talbert and Andi (Jonathan's girlfriend) did a wonderful job and got the bone in Lydia's leg straightened without any new incisions.  She was nauseous from the anesthesia, but hopefully that will be gone tomorrow.  She is able to to resume physical therapy tomorrow, if she's feeling better.  Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.  They have surely pulled her through once again!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Weekly update

We continue to make progress here at the Jost house. Lydia has been moving around and enjoying visitors (and a birthday!)
She will have one more surgery on her leg this Tuesday morning. The doctor will go in to straighten the bone. She might or might not have to stay overnight. We will know on Tuesday, depending on how she does. The doctor says this should not be too much of a set back. She is scheduled for therapy on Wednesday.
Ginny is now able to put weight on her foot and is also going to therapy. It is really crazy to see us all file in and they know us by name - Imagine that! Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We would not be this far into recovery without them.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


We have had a very good week. Lydia retired the wheel chair and has become more mobile each day. She is using her crutches, slowly but surely, as she travels around the house. She is continuing to progress with her physical therapy and works at home to speed things up. Both the girls have appointments tomorrow and we hope Ginny will get a walking boot. We still don't have a date for Lydia to return to Memphis or Ginny to Auburn. August should give us a better idea. Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers.