Wednesday, July 9, 2008


The physical therapist needs to work with Audrey and John so they will know how to best care for Lydia at home and they need to see one more set of doctors in the morning. So, tomorrow is the day now. We are not sure what time we will be out or what time we will be home but she will need plenty of rest for the first few days at home. You can continue to leave comments. She enjoys reading them. We'll keep you posted.


Cameron McKinley said...

Hi Lydia,
It's Aunt Ki! You healed so fast I didn't ever have time to leave an actual comment! We will have trouble keeping Boomer from jumping on you and Ginny while you are healing but we'll protect you from super tiny dog! We just wanted you to know that the McKinley's have been praying for you daily and love you so much! I will make Emergency Cake for you as soon as you are ready for some chocolate therapy. However, I might need to change the name of it! Love you!
Aunt Cameron, Uncle Jay, Joseph, Elijah (EJ) and Mary Virginia

Anonymous said...

I am constantly amazed at your strength when I read about how rapidly you are progressing. Congratulations on getting to go home soon. You are in our thoughts!
Grace in Memphis

April Ciervo said...

Im so glad to hear that you're going home. I've been keeping up with your blog out here in Cali and I've been praying for you everyday! God sure did create you to be a fighter!! I'm so proud of your strength and positivity, keep it up! When you're having your down time, I'd love to catch up.
If there's anything I can do, please let me know.
"for He Himself is your peace" --especially during these recovery days for you!

Love you Lyd and the whole Jost family!!!

April Ciervo --Fernandez :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lydia,

It's Anna Savitsky here at institute. We are all thinking of you and SO excited that you are on the path to recovery. Know that our days are NOT the day without our girlKevin and we miss you so much! I love reading about your strength, although I am not surprised by any of it.
On behalf of the Jacksonville corps, we send you a lot of love, and we hope you liked the flowers (woop woop!).

Growth and progress!!! Anna

Anonymous said...

Hi Jost family,
I just wanted you to know that I am keeping you all in my prayers. It was wonderful seeing you all at Julie and Clay's wedding which I know seems so very long ago. I am thrilled to read of Lydia's progress and hope all goes well getting her home and starting on the healing process. May the Lord bless and keep you all,
Ty Howell (Julie's mom)

Anonymous said...


I'm so glad you're doing so much better. Don't worry though, if you need some pumping up I will happily bring "Sister Act" & dance around for you like a dork! I'm also learning something new for you too, luckily it's going to take around 6 weeks for me to actually learn it (we both know I have zero dance skills). Will & Brewer, who like you more than me, both say hey & get better soon! We all love you very much & can't wait to see you asap!!


Anonymous said...

You have been in my prayers since I heard of your accident. You don't know me--I work with your Mom at West. All of the girls in my Bible study group are praying too. It's good news to hear you'll be able to come back to Birminghmam tomorrow! I wish you the best as you continue to recover.

Lauren Morse

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Aunt Cameron for blog updates. I have been praying for the Jost family since I found out about Lydia's accident and enjoy reading about her amazing progress. Ginny has also been in my prayers this summer. Glad you will be coming home soon.
Karen Arthur

Anonymous said...

From the Paul Sharbels


Absolutely cannot believe your progress....but disbelief is overshadowed by our joy.
Would like to apply for a small part when you sell the film rights to Trauma Girl...maybe I could play the great uncle (two meanings to "great").
Love you and continue to pray for you and yours.

Uncle Paul

Anonymous said...

Hi Lydia-
This is Blair (Brett's sister). I am thinking about you and am amazed at the wonderful friends and family you obviously have supporting you! It's so great to hear you'll be heading home soon and I know Brett and the gang can't wait to see you and have you laughing and acting crazy again!

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear your coming home and that your doing better! I've been praying for you and ginny! Maybe gorilla can keep you company while your at home! haha I hope you have a speedy recovery!
Caroline Hensley

Anonymous said...

WOW Lydia!! You are so strong... i do believe now YOU are my new hero!! Congrats on getting out of the hospital so soon!!!

Anonymous said...

The Macoys and Christies want to bring you dinner Friday night. Let us know if that works with your schedule!!
Love, Raleigh

Anonymous said...

WOW! You are something! I am so glad you are doing so well you can come home. You and Ginny are in our prayers.

The Old-Young Marrieds will do dinner sometime soon too. We will call you after you get home to schedule.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lydia,
You have been in our thoughts and prayers. We hope and pray that you continue to heal quickly. Your mom is such an awesome person & I know that she has passed that on to you. We'll keep you and your family in our prayers.
Stacy Hein & family

Unknown said...

Hi Lyds! I'm so thrilled to hear you are doing so much better! And you get to go home!!!! woo hoo! Hope you enjoyed seeing Tyler, Will, Jenny and Christina! We all miss you so much.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

That's great you get to head home tomorrow!!! Just sending some happy thoughts your way! :-)

Love, Phoebe Quin

Anonymous said...

Hi Lydia, John and Audrey,

I am so grateful for your wonderful progress!

I am available to offer my nursing expertise in whatever way you need. My summer is very flexible, I can help with all sorts of stuff, I am ready to do whatever you need!

I fractured my left femur and my rignt foot in a car accident when I was 19 - so I know what being laid up is like. UGH! I like the idea for you book "Trauma Girl" do it -- do it!

Cathy Roche

Unknown said...

When my daughter called me at the beginning of the summer to say, "Mom, Ginny has fallen and they are getting ready to take her and I don't know how badly she is hurt please pray." I was glad to be able to join with the others who were standing in the gap. Then when she called me Friday night to say, "Mom, Lydia has been in a horrible car accident and is really hurt, please pray." I was again glad to be able to stand in the gap but my heart hurt for the heartache in your family. As I have prayed over the last couple of days, I have been very humbled at the realization of the Lord's grace on you and also at the testimony He has given your family. You are a shining example of how God truly does carry out his promises of prayers being answered and how He really is still in the miracle business. Thank you for allowing Him to show to others through you just how mighty He is. Prayers and blessings to you!
Have a how, how, how kind of night!
Rean Campbell
Briski's mom (Caitlin, Jordan and Noel's too)